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What We Practice

General Dentistry

Tired of uncomfortable impressions of your teeth? Can’t tolerate the taste and texture of impression material? We are equipped to take fully digital impressions of the entire mouth using our scanner and computer. This can then be sent electronically to the lab for model fabrication.


We believe in preventing dental disease before it happens. We encourage patients to seek regular preventive care to avoid the need for pain and emergency care. Our highly trained dental hygienists provide scaling, polishing, fluoride, and oral hygiene instructions to ensure your teeth and gums stay in tip-top shape. As the saying goes: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!”

General Dentistry

We provide all general dentistry services including but not limited to: Restorative (fillings), Periodontics (gum surgery), Endodontics (root canals), Removable Prosthodontics (dentures), Fixed prosthodontics (crowns and bridges), & Implant restorations.

Geriatric Dentistry

At 99 Renfrew Street, we have a special interest in geriatric dental care. As our bodies age, so too do our teeth and oral health. As a result, our dental needs change. We are committed to providing comprehensive dental treatment to the medically compromised patients of the Ottawa Valley. We realize that short appointments may be better suited for our elderly patients with medical, physical, or cognitive conditions. We also realize that planning a trip to the dentist may become complicated when we are relying on transportation services or a relative to bring us to and from the dental office. This is why we offer flexibility in scheduling appointments. Multiple short appointments may be beneficial, but we also offer longer appointments which result in fewer visits. Give us a call to discuss how we can make your visit to the dentist as simple as possible.

Pediatric Dentistry

We understand that kids are often afraid of going to the dentist. It can be an intimidating place to be as a young child, BUT it doesn’t have to be! We encourage parents to bring their “youngen’s” in early to get them accustomed to the dental office setting. Regular dental visits at a young age can prevent any serious dental disease down the road. For pediatric patients, the time to visit the dentist is: First birthday, First tooth = First Visit!

Geriatric Dentistry
Pediaric Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

We realize that stress and anxiety in the dental setting are real factors that may affect how you the patient seeks treatment. Please don’t hesitate to ask how to improve your stress and anxiety in the dental setting through the use of nitrous oxide & oxygen conscious sedation. This is a safe and effective form of sedation that does not require a ride home!

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

In some instances, the need for treatment is purely esthetically driven (aka ‘a smile makeover’), but in other instances, the need and desire for a better smile is functionally driven. Please feel free to ask us about the different ways we can improve the look and function of your teeth!


Tooth position within your jaws have an effect on your bite. Your bite is how your upper and lower teeth come together. A malocclusion or bad bite, can be caused by missing, crowded, or poorly aligned teeth. A malocclusion can make chewing difficult, and can even cause tooth wear and bone loss. Over time, this can all lead to muscle tension and pain. Orthodontic treatment can be provided to patients of all ages; young and old! Poorly positioned teeth that stick out, are crooked or crowded, can affect your smile and more importantly how your teeth function. Orthodontic treatment can improve the look of your teeth and the health of the bone and gum surrounding them. Straight teeth are easier to clean and tend to function better when they are well aligned. We can provide orthodontic treatment with removable appliances, fixed appliances (braces), or in some cases with plastic aligners (‘invisible braces’).

TMJ Pain

Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is an umbrella term referring to any pain or dysfunction associated with the TMJ (jaw joint) and associated components (muscles, bones, teeth, nerves). Symptoms may include: diffuse facial pain, headaches, migraines, ear aches, painful jaw joint clicking, lock jaw, trismus (limited mouth opening), tender jaw/neck muscles, difficulty chewing/biting and eating. A conservative estimate of the percentage of people in the general population with some type of TMD ranges between 40%-60%. The reason we don’t all walk around with TMD pain is due to our body’s ability to adapt. But sometimes, the dysfunction is such that we are unable to adapt. And as a result, pain. At 99 Renfrew Street, we provide extensive diagnostic services that are aimed at truly understanding the etiology of your pain. With a proper diagnosis we can do our best to decrease your pain, improve function and improve your quality of life.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you unsatisfied with the colour or shape of your teeth? We can provide solutions to give you that perfect smile. Cosmetic dentistry may include: prepless veneers, crowns, and tooth whitening.

Oral Appliances

We provide custom appliances aimed at treating migraines, TMD pain, bruxism, and sleep apnea. By following the principles of neuromuscular dentistry, we are able, in some instances to improve signs and symptoms of pain and dysfunction. We also provide athletic mouth-guards to help prevent tooth damage while at the same time improving athletic performance.

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