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Our Technology




The Myobrace®System is preventive pre-orthodontic treatment that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of crooked teeth. Mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, reverse swallowing and thumb sucking (known as incorrect myofunctional habits) are the real causes of poor tooth alignment. Treatment is best suited for children aged 3 to 15 and involves using a series of removable intra-oral appliances that are worn for 1-2 hours each day plus overnight while sleeping.

Digital Impressions

Digital Impressions


Tired of uncomfortable impressions of your teeth? Can’t tolerate the taste and texture of impression material? We are equipped to take fully digital impressions of the entire mouth using our scanner and computer. This can then be sent electronically to the lab for model fabrication or to our in-house 3D printer for production.

Digital Radiographs

Digital Radiographs


The use of digital radiographs allow us to take accurate imaging of your teeth and bone, while at the same time limiting your risk of radiation exposure. Digital imaging produces 90% less radiation when compared to traditional analogue films. We practice the ALARA (As Little As Reasonable Achievable) principle to ensure only necessary X-rays are prescribed and taken.

Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry


Dr. Laska is trained to provide laser treatment. Treatments with laser dentistry include gum surgery and post-operative healing. 

Intra Oral Photography

Dental Photography

Digital Photography.JPG

Have you ever wondered what we’re looking at in your mouth?! A picture is worth a thousand words, and with the use of intra-oral photography, we can show you! Photographs are often used to document your mouth before and after treatments. We also use photography to assess suspicious lesions, canker sores, and infections.




Nearly every dental procedure performed impacts occlusion (the bite). Poor occlusion can affect quality of life. T-Scan is a tool we use to obtain dynamic occlusal measurements, which allows us to assess the level and timing of force on individual teeth and the occlusal stability of the overall bite.




Following the principles of neuromuscular dentistry, some patients' muscles of mastication are not always in harmony with their bite. We have in office transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machine that can help relax your head and neck muscles before performing dental procedures. With the use of the K7 unit we are able to assess, diagnose, and restore your dentition into a physiologically sound bite.

Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners


Clear aligners are an orthodontic treatment system designed to move and correct, crooked and misaligned teeth. A series of invisible clear aligner trays are worn to gradually improve your smile and bite. An advantage of clear aligners is that they can be removed while eating and for oral hygiene care. A disadvantage to clear aligners is that they must be for 22+ hours a day to be effective. For small orthodontic movements and slight smile improvements, clear aligners may be the solution for you!



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The Perio Tray® by Perio Protect gently applies medication deep under the gums to fight bacterial infections and prevent their recurrence. You use it at home for just minutes each day. The Tray is comfortable, flexible, and custom-fit precisely for your mouth. If you’ve been told that you have gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis), ask our team if Perio Trays® are right for you.  

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